Discovered - the online Arnold Schoenberg jukebox

Want to listen to 24/7 Bach, or nothing but Schoenberg, or exclusively sacred music? Well you can do all that, and a lot more, right here from On An Overgrown Path.

My recent post '1984 - you decide' about BBC Radio 3's webcast of Lorin Maazel's controversial opera was mirrored by a number of other music blogs round the world. This, in conjuntion with the Hyperion/Sawkins story resulted in a massive peak in my traffic logs at On An Overgrown Path which lifted first time visitors by a factor of five. (Many thanks to all my fellow bloggers who linked to me on those two stories).
This got me thinking, and then researching, about the range of classical music available via streaming on the internet. I spent a couple of hours surfing around this morning, and compiled a starting list of links to sixty classical stations which you will find on the right hand side of this page under the heading Classical Music on the Web.

And boy, did that research turn up some interesting stations! Personal favourites are Radio B.A.C.H. from Poland which offers not one, but the following eight different channels of 24/7 Bach - The greatest Hits, Orchestral and Chamber Works, Organ Works, Cantatas, Harpsichord Works, Oratorios, Passions and Masses, Motets, Chorales and Songs, and Glenn Gould and Bach.
If the Second Viennese School is more your thing Arnold Schönberg Center Webradio offers an exclusive diet of music by the master. Plus, and I joke not, the online Arnold Schoenberg jukebox. (I just feel even On An Overgrown Path can't follow that, but I will try). If you want something more soothing Radio Notre Dame only broadcasts sacred music, while for those wanting a more varied diet Contemporary Classical broadcasts just that.

The sky seems to be the limit for the range of internet classical stations. My list of sixty, on the right hand side of this post under the Archive list, is not all-embracing or definitive, and there are bound to be some duds in there. Use the Comment facility at the foot of this post to suggest additions to the list, comment on those listed, or recommend deletions! (Or you can email me at overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk). I can guarantee you won't be bored, and remember you heard it first On An Overgrown Path.

Update 25th May - Congratulations to Dulciana, the musical mom from Divertimenti for being the first to submit an addition to the webradio links - They stream 100% organ music, even do requests, and when I checked them out were playing Edith Beaulieu: Symphonie No. 1 - IV. Adagio - 11:33. Great stuff, a virtual bottle of champagne is on its way to you Dulciana (I'm afraid we've had cuts to our promotional budget). More recommended webradio stations like that please.

Pretty difficult to follow....but if you enjoyed this post try Easter at Aldeburgh invisible hit counter


David McDuff said…
Thanks for the Schoenberg Jukebox link - amazing!
Anonymous said…
Well, there are thousands of more stations out there. In fact, I removed the FM tuner from our sound system and installed an old iMac connected via DSL to the internet to be our "music server".
I gave the iMac the server name "Igor" and made it complete with a background screen pix of Igor himself. You'll find a note about this here

You've got most of the stations I listen to covered, but there are many many more served by You can hear them all for free, but a nominal fee will give you their own client tuner program and better fidelity.

On Live365 you will find Kyle Gann's POSTCLASSIC RADIO, and Rick Cox's IRIDIAN RADIO.

The wonderful thing is to be able to hear music you've never heard before. That's what radio was all about, once upon a time. Now it's reborn on the net.

I would also recommend Kyle Gann's weblog.
Pliable said…, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk and all added, see side bar. Thanks for those links, keep them rolling in.

Anonymous said…
I run a streaming classical station called Classical Junk. I call it that since I try to play a lot of the not-so-common music that your typical person wouldn't really care for. I also do my best to fulfill listener requests, although sometimes it takes me a few weeks to track down the obscure ones.

To get a wide variety of music, I manually create playlists instead of loading a bunch of music and hitting "random". You will always hear a complete work played (versus just one movement of it). The playlists repeat every two days or so, but I'm constantly changing them. You may end up hearing the same work two or three times before it's removed in the next playlist update, giving you a chance to become familiar with it and like it (or hate it) more.
Unknown said…
The Schoenberg link should be:


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