Paul Sacher - patron of 20th Century music

Sacher's passion for new music led him to found an orchestra in his native Basle and transform musical life there so that it became a magnet for leading musicians and composers. In the centenary of Sacher's birth, Richard Morrison travelled to Basle to explore the many sides of Sacher - as a conductor, patron, businessman and lover - and delved into the Sacher Foundation where manuscripts of the leading composers keep his legacy alive.
With contributions from Pierre Boulez, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Heinz Holliger, Elliott Carter, Harrison Birtwistle, Sacher's biographers Lesley Stephenson and Harry Halbreich and musicians from the Basle Chamber Orchestra.
Available via BBC Radio 3 'listen again' until 4th March - don't miss.
Lesley Stephenson's biography of Paul Sacher Symphony of Dreams is published by Ruffer & Rub, ISBN 3907625102
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